RPSC 2nd Grade English Answer Key Solution 2011

RPSC 2nd Grade English 2011 Answer Key Series B
by Vishnu Sharma

1. Gagrin was the first person ——-went
round the world.
Ans. 3. Who
2. The hotel ———is built near my
college is meant for the rich.
Ans. 2. That
3. ——–I have no money, I cannot buy
the book.
Ans. 3. Since
4. ——-you run, you cannot catch the
Ans. 2. Even if
5. I am sorry I have —–friends.
Ans. 1. Few
6. ‘Wh’ words are used as determiners
Ans. 3. Exclamatory sentences
7. I hurt myself. The underlined word is
Ans. 3. Reflexive pronoun
8. Ans. 1
9. Ans. 3
10. Ans. 2
11. Ans. 3
12. A fable is
Ans. 1. A story
13. One man’s food—————————–
Ans. 2. Antithesis
14. Tiger, tiger—————–
Ans.3. Personification
15. A figure in which—————————-
Ans. 1. Metonymy
16. If you prick us—————-
Ans. 1. Interrogation
17. He is as proud—————-
Ans. 1. Simile
18. Indo anglian literature———-
Ans. 1. Indian creative writing in ——-
——- by native Indians in
19. The white tiger————-
Ans. 1. Arvind Adiga
20. The longest epic——–
Ans. 2. Sri Aurobindo’s Savitri
21. The Guide————
Ans. 2. R. K. Narayan
22. Famous poem by Ezekiel——-
Ans. 2. Night of the scorpion
23. Philosophical work of Bacon is——
Ans. 4. The four elements and wit
24. Milton’s Lycidas is—
Ans. 1. An elegy
25. Romantic poets are———-
Ans. 1. Wordsworth, Coleridge, Keats,
26. Which ——not true
Ans. 2. Alfred Tennyson is a famous
Neo-classical poet.
27. Which is true—
Ans. 2. There is always a pre modifier,
a head word and a post
modifier in a phrase.
28. The verb phrase acts as—–
Ans. 2. As Predicator in a clause
29. In a clause, Adjective phrases function
Ans. 1. Complements and objects
30. The structure of a noun phrase is—-
Ans. 1 M H M
31. Which is true—
Ans. 2. In a noun phrase, the post
modifiers may be a verb phrase,
an adverbial phrase or a
prepositional phrase
32. The clause elements are—-
Ans. 1. Predicator, sub, obj, comp, adv
33. Which is not true—
Ans. 3. Adverbs are mobile elements
in a clause
34. Sentence adverbials express
Ans. 3. Reason and condition
35. A finite verb is a
Ans. 3. Verb showing tense and
concord, and is either the
operator or the main verb
36. Having been included—-
Ans. 2. A non finite verb phrase
37. If there is no operator in the
Ans. 2. Dummy aux. Do
38. A complex sentence has
Ans. 2. The main clause and one or
more dependent clause
39. He painted the door white—
Ans. 2. An adj. Phrase
40. He gave me a pencil
Ans. 3. A direct object
41. He appointed her secretary—
Ans. 2. He awarded them medals
42. Not a synonym of lonely—
Ans. 4. Abandon
43. Antonym of accuse
Ans. 2. Vindicate
44. Villain means
Ans. 3. Scoundrel
45. Does not mean vengeance
Ans.3. retribution
46. Wise means
Ans. 1. Sagacious
47. The dachshund used to
Ans.4. hunt badgers
48. The national dog of Germany
Ans. 3. The dachshund
49. The word bread means
Ans. 2. A class of animals
50. The Doberman is selected
Ans. 3. For security or police work
51. In the old days the Alsatian
Ans. 2. Helped to look after sheep
52. In grammar translation method, unit
of teaching
Ans. 4. A word
53. In grammar translation method
Ans. 1. Grammar is taught deductively
54. Weakness of grammar translation
Ans. 2. It provides practally no chance
for drill in the aural- oral skills
55. Which is not true about the direct
Ans. 4. Grammar recitation
56. The principal feature of the direct
method is the
Ans. 2. Use of the target language as a
means of instruction
57. The main shortcoming of the direct
method is that
Ans. 4. It does not provide ample
opportunities to the student to
listen to spoken language
58. Which is not the criterion for the
selection of structures
Ans. 4. Familiarity trap
59. The structural approach emphasizes
Ans. 1. The essential structures and
vocabulary be selected for
teaching practices
60. Which is not true about the audiolingual
Ans. 3. Language items are
61. The desired goal in audio lingual
method is
Ans. 3. Linguistic competence
62. The audio lingual method forbids the
use of
Ans. 1. The student’s native language
63. Which is not true about CLT
Ans. 3. The goal of CLT is to develop
linguistic competence
64. The term communicative competence
was coined by
Ans. 1. Widdowson
65. In CLT
Ans. 2. Meaning is paramount
66. The teaching of composition is related
Ans. 4. Writing skills
67. The teaching of prose emphasizes
Ans.1. silent reading
68. Grammar should be taught
Ans. 1. As a means to achieve good
command of L S R W skills
69. Poetry must primarily be taught for
the sake of
Ans. 2. Music
70. The principle of selection is based on
the assumption that
Ans. 2. It is not possible to teach the
whole language within the
prescribed time period and the
other constraints
71. The principle of gradation means
Ans. 1. Go from easy to difficult
72. Ans. 4. The preposition is not required
73. Ans. 1. Of (Cured of )
74. Ans. 2. By (by virtue of the power—–)
75. Ans. 2. To (compared to )
76. Ans.1. at (at the cost of )
77. Ans. 2. For (leave for)
78. Ans. 3. Fewer than (less than)
79. Ans. 2. These sorts (this sort)
80. Ans. 1. Because they had (as they had)
81. Ans. 2. Very popular (popular)
82. Ans. 1. As he was (while he was)
83. Ans. 3. To revenge (to take revenge )
84. Ans. 3. Mood
85. Ans. 4. Be
86. Ans. 4. Neg. Ques. Tenses and the
87. Ans. 2. Twenty four
88. Ans. 2. could
89. Ans. 2. Must
90. Ans. 1. Shall
91. Ans. 2. may
92. Ans. 1. Shall
93. Ans. 2. Breaks up
94. Ans. 1. Get through
95. Ans. 1. Look after
96. Ans. 2. Make out
97. Ans. 1. Called on
98. Ans. 3. Took to
99. Ans. 1. International Phonetic
100. Ans. 4. fill
101. Ans. 2. 24
102. Ans. 2. Serve
103. Ans. 1. Heart
104. Ans. 3. A sound produced with friction
105. Ans. 4. Term used to refer to two
vowel sounds
106. Ans. 1. /k nd kt
107. Ans. 1. /nefju:/
108. Ans. 3. Secondary stress is marked
with a vertical bar above
109. Ans. 2. pure
110. Ans. 1. /kl uz/ and /kl :z/
111. Ans. 2. Verb and noun
112. Ans. 2. An adjective
113. Ans. 1. An adjective and an adverb
114. Ans. 4. A determiner and a pronoun
115. Ans. 4. criminal
116. Ans. 3. Both are adjective
117. Ans. 3. The person or thing doing the
action is always mentioned
118. Ans. 1. The sentence can not be
119. Ans. 1. Preferred to indicate objective
120. Ans. 2. His son was saved
121. Ans. 2. Recurring deposits are
accepted in monthly instalments of Rs.
100/- or its multiples.
122. Ans. 1. An intransitive verb can not be
changed into passive because it has no
123. Ans. 3. Had taken
124. Ans. 3. Have mistaken
125. Ans. 1. fetch
126. Ans. 2. Will be taken up
127. Ans. 3. Was caught
128. Ans. 3. Is found
129. Ans. 1. Are written
130. Ans. 1. He didn’t consider our case at
131. Ans. 3. She hasn’t spoken yet
132. Ans. 1. Does what they do bring glory
to the country?
133. Ans. 1. People speak English all over
the world, don’t they?
134. Ans. 4. She hasn’t been a far away
135. Ans. 2. We needn’t stay here now.
136. Ans. It is not wise in waiting for the
137. Ans. 2. Sunil is the wisest boy in the
138. Ans. 2. Garima is not so beautiful as
139. Ans. 1. To the disappointment of the
crowd, the show was cancelled.
140. Ans. 2. He proved that he was
141. Ans. 1. Work hard and you will win
the prize.
142. Ans. 2. He asked the mother to give
him some tea.
143. Ans. 1. The captain commanded the
soldiers to fall in.
144. Ans. 2. The old man told the soldiers
that he did not know where to go and
requested them to guide him.
145. Ans. 3. He exclaimed with pain that
that was a mere waste of time.
146. Ans. 2. An unreal condition
147. Ans. 2. In a conditional sentence, the
if clause is in the present simple and the
main clause is in the future simple
148. Ans. 4. Did I invite him to the party, I
would have won his favour
149. Ans. 2. Adverb of condition and
adverb of time
150. Ans. 1. where



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